Salon Services
Peluka Salon provides a range of custom services for all your alternative hair needs.
Many of our services can be booked either in salon or via post. If posting a piece to us then a virtual consultation is required to assess your needs accurately.
Please refer to our Terms & Conditions below

Terms & Conditions & Disclaimer for Custom Colour Services
Please note that we cannot guarantee or accept responsibility for the outcome of colour work on wigs/toppers that have not been purchased via Peluka Salon, (or which have been been purchased from us yet have been colour treated, are damaged or are in poor condition).
We love transforming your pieces, and work very closely with you via consultation to ensure we get the best result, however if we feel the quality of your wig/topper is poor or that the integrity of it will be compromised we will explain this to you.
We aim to only undertake work we feel will not damage your piece, we work gently and slowly and will only 'lift/highlight' pieces that are either guaranteed virgin hair or gently processed colours such as Jon Renau RN colours & Follea EP.
We endeavour to achieve your desired colour and result and work closely with you during your consultation to agree your colour, we cannot guarantee an exact match due to the sometimes unpredictability of some human hair as well as screen variances if we have consulted online.
Please be aware that whilst we do our very best and take extreme care, when working with darker colours on lighter pieces staining of the cap and lace/silk top is a risk.
Contact Us for further information or to book a consultation